Friday, September 23, 2011

A Note on Academic Advising

Here at Career Services we get a lot of questions that are academic-advising related. Students may not know if they are in the right program, are picking the right courses, or how they can add another major/minor to their degree.

While our Career Assistants can help you determine whether a certain career path is right for you (which may lead you to explore different academic programs than what you're currently in) and lead you to other resources we unfortunately cannot give students concrete advice on program requirements, overrides or anything related to the completion of your degree. Brock has a great Academic Advising department that has specific advisers for each program who are experts on what you need to complete your degree, or what your options are if you change your mind.

Many students find that an Academic Advising appointment usually leads to their adviser telling them to drop by Career Services for some guidance. So if you're confused, don't hesitate to stop by and talk to a Career Assistant! We have information on Further Education, Degree Options, and tons of resources to help you decide on the career that's right for you.

When it comes to your degree, Academic Advising and Career Services are here to help you! Meeting with both of our departments is a great way to make sure you're on track and explore your many options. As a student who has met with my adviser countless times, I would advise you to make an appointment at least once a year and take advantage of their expertise!

So what are you waiting for?! Book an Appointment with your adviser or drop by the Career Resource Center today!

Happy Advising
- Lia

PS. Today is the last day to make changes to your D1/D2 courses, so make sure to make any changes before the registration system closes!

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