New DEG of the Week!
You can find our Degree Exploration Guides in CareerZone and at DEGs outline a list of common career options related to a certain program, as well as degree specific skills. Also, DEGs offer various links to help with job and volunteer search in that chosen field! Who wouldn't want one of these for their program?
Each week we will be choosing one Degree Exploration Guide to focus on and welcome all students to come and learn about the different programs here at Brock!
DEG of the Week: Music
Our DEG of the Week is Music! This 3- or 4-year program is offered through the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts and attempts to prepare students for their intended musical career.
Career Options:
Architectural Acoustician
Concert Promotor
Jingle Writer
Music Therapist
Recording Artist
Teacher (Private Studio or School System)
Vocal/Opera Coach
Degree Specific Skills:
Appreciation of aesthetics
Conducting skills
Edit/proofread materials
Familiarity with foreign languages
Imagination and creatvity
Music pedagogy skills
Music theory (harmonic and melodic) skills
Sight-singing and keyboard skills
Pitch and tuning
Job Search Resources:
Media Job Search Canada (Audio and Music):
Professional Associations and Career Resources:
American Federation of Musicians:
Canadian Academy of Recording Arts and Science:
Canadian Independent Music Association:
Music Canada:
Ontario Registered Music Teachers Association:
Songwriters Association of Canada:
Internships and Volunteering:
Music Ed Plus:
Note: These are not the only career options, skills and resources available. For the full degree exploration guide, visit
For more information on the Music program at Brock University, visit

This is the official Brock CareerZone blog for students, by students. We give you the tips and tricks of job search and more!
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Thursday, July 26, 2018
How Starting a Blog Can Benefit Your Career!
How Starting a Blog Can Benefit Your Career!
In today's world social media is exerting an influence on almost every aspect of our lives - including job search. From Twitter to LinkedIn to blogging, almost every social media tool can be used to further your job search if you use the right strategies.
For example, blogging - which to some people is just a personal writing outlet - can be used to help you connect with professionals and even land you a job!
Blogging can lead to nnumeorus relevant career choices:
- Novelist
- Advertising
- Screenwriter / Songwriter
- Article Writer / Journalist
- Public Relations Specialist
- Editor
How can this happen you ask?
1. Enhances Your Professional Profile
Well, first of all, blogging helps to increase your visibility and credibility online. If you research and analyze certain topics, you seem passionate and motivated - also showing you are in touch with the industry. Hiring managers will use this as proof that your expertise is legitimate!
2. Attracts Others
By writing on your blog and creating an onine presence, you are attract the right type of people to you. A blog can put your name on the map, and allow like minded folks to come your way. Remember to include your social media handles and contact information.
3. Compliments Your Resume
Hiring managers and recruiters receive dozens or more resumes for a single job posting. The tech market is especially in right now - meaning every last detail on your resume and cover letter has to be on point. A blog can add context to your experience and shows how you apply your skills.
As you can see, blogging is a great tool, if used correctly, to establish an online presence and add to your job search. You can also add pieces from your blog to your portfolio as examples of your writing and dedication to your work!
So what are you waiting for? Get blogging!
DEG of the Week! (July 23 - July 27)
This week's DEG of the Week is Tourism Management! (July 23 - 27th)
The Department of Tourism Management offers a four-year program leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree (Honours BA and BA with Major) and a three year BA Pass degree program.
The program is designed to meet the needs of the fast-growing tourism industry and incorporates co-op, internship, professional and field experiences for students. This program integrates principles of sustainability (environmental, social, economic and political) in tourism management.
Career Options:
Degree Specific Skills:

This program is designed to incorporate co-op, internship, professional and field experiences for students INCLUDING a Disney internship with the University of Florida!
Additionally, there are many opportunities to participate in field courses around the world!
You can find more information about Brock's Tourism Management program at:
You can find our Degree Exploration Guides in CareerZone and at DEGs outline a list of common career options related to a certain program, as well as degree specific skills. Also, DEGs offer various links to help with job and volunteer search in that chosen field!
The Department of Tourism Management offers a four-year program leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree (Honours BA and BA with Major) and a three year BA Pass degree program.
The program is designed to meet the needs of the fast-growing tourism industry and incorporates co-op, internship, professional and field experiences for students. This program integrates principles of sustainability (environmental, social, economic and political) in tourism management.
Career Options:
- Attractions/Theme Park Coordinator
- Cultural Resource Specialist
- Economic Developer
- Event Planner
- Flight Attendant
- Hospitality Manager
- Outdoor Recreation Planner
- Program Coordinator
- Resort Facilities Manager
- Sustainable Tourism Developer
- Travel Agency Manager
- Urban Planner
Degree Specific Skills:
- Coordinating and Directing Others
- Planning and Organizing Skills
- Possess Ingenuity and Imagination
- Understanding of Cross-Cultural Perspectives
- Work Effectively with Diverse Populations

This program is designed to incorporate co-op, internship, professional and field experiences for students INCLUDING a Disney internship with the University of Florida!
Additionally, there are many opportunities to participate in field courses around the world!
You can find more information about Brock's Tourism Management program at:
You can find our Degree Exploration Guides in CareerZone and at DEGs outline a list of common career options related to a certain program, as well as degree specific skills. Also, DEGs offer various links to help with job and volunteer search in that chosen field!
Friday, July 20, 2018
Come visit us at Smart Start and LEAP!
CareerZone booth at Smart Start and LEAP through July and August!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018
DEG of the Week! (July 16 - July 20)
New DEG of the Week!
You can find our Degree Exploration Guides in CareerZone and at DEGs outline a list of common career options related to a certain program, as well as degree specific skills. Also, DEGs offer various links to help with job and volunteer search in that chosen field! Who wouldn't want one of these for their program?
Each week we will be choosing one Degree Exploration Guide to focus on and welcome all students to come and learn about the different programs here at Brock!
DEG of the Week: Early Childhood Education
Our DEG of the Week is Early Childhood Education! This two-and-a-half year program builds off of a two-year Early Childhood Education diploma and gives students the chance to learn in an on-campus and community-based environment.
Career Options:
Case Manager
Child Life Specialist
Children's Book Publisher
Day Care Worker
Educational Assistant
Family Child Care Home Provider
Inclusion Specialist for Children with Disabiltities
Infant Development Worker
Special Needs Assistant Teacher
Toy and Book Sales Representative
Degree Specific Skills:
Cross-Cultural Understanding
Desire to Help Children
Ethical Awareness
Interpersonal Skills
Sensitive to Needs and Emotions of Children
Understanding Different Learning Styles
Working in a Team
Professional Associations:
Association of Early Childhood Educators:
Council of Canadian Child and Youth Care Associations:
National Association of Child Care Professionals:
Ontario Ministry of Child and Youth Services:
Internships and Volunteering:
Big Brothers Big Sisters:
Free the Children/Me to We:
Plan Canada:
Job Search Resources:
Canadian Nanny:
Nursery World Jobs:
Note: These are not the only career options, skills and resources available. For the full degree exploration guide, visit
For more information on the Early Childhood Education program at Brock University, visit:
You can find our Degree Exploration Guides in CareerZone and at DEGs outline a list of common career options related to a certain program, as well as degree specific skills. Also, DEGs offer various links to help with job and volunteer search in that chosen field! Who wouldn't want one of these for their program?
Each week we will be choosing one Degree Exploration Guide to focus on and welcome all students to come and learn about the different programs here at Brock!
DEG of the Week: Early Childhood Education
Our DEG of the Week is Early Childhood Education! This two-and-a-half year program builds off of a two-year Early Childhood Education diploma and gives students the chance to learn in an on-campus and community-based environment.

Case Manager
Child Life Specialist
Children's Book Publisher
Day Care Worker
Educational Assistant
Family Child Care Home Provider
Inclusion Specialist for Children with Disabiltities
Infant Development Worker
Special Needs Assistant Teacher
Toy and Book Sales Representative
Degree Specific Skills:
Cross-Cultural Understanding
Desire to Help Children
Ethical Awareness
Interpersonal Skills
Sensitive to Needs and Emotions of Children
Understanding Different Learning Styles
Working in a Team
Professional Associations:
Association of Early Childhood Educators:
Council of Canadian Child and Youth Care Associations:
National Association of Child Care Professionals:
Ontario Ministry of Child and Youth Services:
Internships and Volunteering:
Big Brothers Big Sisters:
Free the Children/Me to We:
Plan Canada:
Job Search Resources:
Canadian Nanny:
Nursery World Jobs:
Note: These are not the only career options, skills and resources available. For the full degree exploration guide, visit
For more information on the Early Childhood Education program at Brock University, visit:
Friday, July 13, 2018
Do Your Research: The Way To Your Dream Career
Do Your Research: The Way To Your Dream Career!
When it comes to career planning, conducting independent research is key! Why you may be asking? Well, without research, you may not fully understand what encompasses the career you are working towards! Without research, you may:
- Miss out on opportunities in your field of interest because you aren't looking for them
- Not know if there is further education needed or specific professional development required for your career of choice
- Misunderstand or have a limited understanding of what your desired career path entails as far as job description and duties
- Have no clear direction when it comes to properly network within your desired field
The best thing about today's age is the biggest resource: the internet! Because the internet is so broad, it can be confusing getting to all the information you need to know but it also can be the gateway to the most helpful information. Don't stress, we're here to tell you what to look for online to help you find your dream career.
1. Career Assessments
Remember when we mentioned missing out on opportunities you don't know about? This is where career assessments come in. Online career assessments are your best friend! Available through Career Zone's website, you can take numerous career assessments through multiple websites.
Career assessments are tests/quizzes where individuals answer questions based on a variety of personal attributes: values, preferences, motivations, skills, etc. In the end, these attributes are assessed to develop a list of suggested career choices! These attributes affect your career options and environments and the assessment offers career choices that meet your interests, motivations, preferences etc!
2. Post Graduate / Masters / Continuing Education
When you do discover your dream career - or even if you are still searching, researching continuing education is essential. Many career options require or prefer an individual with different levels of education, depending on the career!
This is possible by researching a specific career and searching programs relevant through universities and colleges offering degrees, certificates and much more. This can be done through specific schools direct websites or online at websites such as or!
3. LinkedIn
One of the best online networking platforms is LinkedIn! How can it help you with researching your dream job? In many ways:
1. Career Assessments
Remember when we mentioned missing out on opportunities you don't know about? This is where career assessments come in. Online career assessments are your best friend! Available through Career Zone's website, you can take numerous career assessments through multiple websites.

2. Post Graduate / Masters / Continuing Education
When you do discover your dream career - or even if you are still searching, researching continuing education is essential. Many career options require or prefer an individual with different levels of education, depending on the career!
This is possible by researching a specific career and searching programs relevant through universities and colleges offering degrees, certificates and much more. This can be done through specific schools direct websites or online at websites such as or!
3. LinkedIn
One of the best online networking platforms is LinkedIn! How can it help you with researching your dream job? In many ways:
- Connecting with individuals who have a position in your desired field, seeing how they achieve this position - through what schooling or past experience
- Discovering position postings all over the world at a wide range of companies
- Following a specific industry or company for updates on their positions - you can learn a lot from accessing their list of empty or filled positions
- Keeping up to date with new and upcoming events to attend for networking purposes
- Discovering other's careers which interest you
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
DEG of The Week! (July 9 - July 13)
DEG of The Week!
This week's DEG of the week is: Environmental Geosciences! Within the Earth Sciences department, there are many oppurtunities:
Brock's Earth Sciences department is central in:
Today, we will mostly focus on the careers and oppurtunities Brock's Environmental Geosciences degree offers!
Carer Options:
Additionally, Brock's Envrionmental Geosciences degree offers a combination major program with many other degrees such as:
Bonus: Brock's Earth Science department is big on field trips!
Field trips form an integral component of training in the earth sciences and are offered in all years of study, linked to specific courses. Field trips may take place during the lab period or involve a time period beyond the lab, over a single day or weekend trips. To offset transportation costs the Department has instituted a Field Trip Levy for all courses with multiple field trips. In addition, on single day or weekend trips, students are expected to cover costs of accommodation and food. Field trip costs, where applicable, are in addition to the regular tuition fees associated with the course.
Relevant Skills:
This week's DEG of the week is: Environmental Geosciences! Within the Earth Sciences department, there are many oppurtunities:
- Environmental Geosciences (Bachelor of Science)
- Earth Sciences (Bachelor of Science)
Brock's Earth Sciences department is central in:
- Solving current global problems such as waste disposal, pollution, groundwater management, volcano and earthquake hazards.
- Exploration and utilization of natural resources such as oil and gas, minerals and aggregates.
- Determination how the planet has evolved from its origin 4.6 billion years ago to the present.
- Unravelling the record of global change and in predicting future changes to the planet.
Today, we will mostly focus on the careers and oppurtunities Brock's Environmental Geosciences degree offers!
Carer Options:
- Conservation Officer
- Ecologist
- Environmental Consultant
- Environmental Lawyer
- Field Naturalist
- Habitat Restoration
- Marine Biologist
- Meterologist
- Natural Resource Specialist
- Oceanographer
- Pollution Prevention Specialist
- Recycling Coordinator
- Soil Scientist
- Urban / Regional Planner
Additionally, Brock's Envrionmental Geosciences degree offers a combination major program with many other degrees such as:
- Biological Sciences
- Geography
- Chemisty
Bonus: Brock's Earth Science department is big on field trips!
Field trips form an integral component of training in the earth sciences and are offered in all years of study, linked to specific courses. Field trips may take place during the lab period or involve a time period beyond the lab, over a single day or weekend trips. To offset transportation costs the Department has instituted a Field Trip Levy for all courses with multiple field trips. In addition, on single day or weekend trips, students are expected to cover costs of accommodation and food. Field trip costs, where applicable, are in addition to the regular tuition fees associated with the course.
Relevant Skills:
- Critical Thinking
- Fieldwork Skills
- Observation Skills
- Research Skills
- Compiling & Organizing Information
- Attention to Detail
Friday, July 6, 2018
DEG of the Week! (July 2 - July 6)
We apologize for the two-week hiatus! It's been pretty hectic in CareerZone lately, but we're back this week with a new DEG of the week!
You can find our Degree Exploration Guides in CareerZone and at DEGs outline a list of common career options related to a certain program, as well as degree specific skills. Also, DEGs offer various links to help with job and volunteer search in that chosen field! Who wouldn't want one of these for their program?
Each week we will be choosing one Degree Exploration Guide to focus on and welcome all students to come and learn about the different programs here at Brock!
DEG of the Week: Sport Management
Our DEG of the Week is Sport Management! Brock University is the only post-secondary institution to offer a program of its kind. It is a four-year program that teaches students how to excel in a ever-changing sport industry and allows them to get real world experience in the field.
Career Options:
Athletic Director
Game Day Operations Manager
Funding Development Specialist
Manager of Player/Athlete Programs
National Even Co-ordinator
Sponsorship Specialist
Sports Agent
Sport Marketing Analyst
Tournament Manager
Degree Specific Skills:
Ability to Simplify or Explain a Concept
Documententation Skills
Event Management
Leadership Skills
Motivating Others to Reach Their Goals
Providing Feedback in a Diplomatic Manner
Job Search Resources:
Sport Alliance of Ontario:
Sport Information Resource Centre:
Professional Associations:
North American Society for Sport Management:
Sport Marketing Association:
Internships & Volunteering:
Right to Play:
Volunteer Canada:
Note: These are not the only career options, skills and resources available. For the full degree exploration guide, visit
For more information on the Sport Management program at Brock University, visit: or
You can find our Degree Exploration Guides in CareerZone and at DEGs outline a list of common career options related to a certain program, as well as degree specific skills. Also, DEGs offer various links to help with job and volunteer search in that chosen field! Who wouldn't want one of these for their program?
Each week we will be choosing one Degree Exploration Guide to focus on and welcome all students to come and learn about the different programs here at Brock!
DEG of the Week: Sport Management
Our DEG of the Week is Sport Management! Brock University is the only post-secondary institution to offer a program of its kind. It is a four-year program that teaches students how to excel in a ever-changing sport industry and allows them to get real world experience in the field.

Athletic Director
Game Day Operations Manager
Funding Development Specialist
Manager of Player/Athlete Programs
National Even Co-ordinator
Sponsorship Specialist
Sports Agent
Sport Marketing Analyst
Tournament Manager
Degree Specific Skills:
Ability to Simplify or Explain a Concept
Documententation Skills
Event Management
Leadership Skills
Motivating Others to Reach Their Goals
Providing Feedback in a Diplomatic Manner
Job Search Resources:
Sport Alliance of Ontario:
Sport Information Resource Centre:
Professional Associations:
North American Society for Sport Management:
Sport Marketing Association:
Internships & Volunteering:
Right to Play:
Volunteer Canada:
Note: These are not the only career options, skills and resources available. For the full degree exploration guide, visit
For more information on the Sport Management program at Brock University, visit: or
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