Further Education – Application Resources
Graduate school application deadlines are fast
approaching and Career Services wants to make sure you are well-prepared!
Documents required for graduate programs will vary
depending on the university you are applying to. For an exact list of things to
do and documents to include, consult the program website that you are applying
Some common documents that are required for application
are: Curriculum Vitaes (CV), letters of intent/statements of interest, academic
transcripts, and letters of reference. Below I have included some information
about what these documents are, how to prepare them, and how Career Services
can help!
1) Curriculum
Vitae - Commonly known as a CV, this document can most easily be described as
an academic resume. CVs demonstrate your education, academic achievements,
research interests, research experience, among other important information. They
are usually required when applying to academic positions or graduate school
- The main difference between a CV
and a traditional Resume is that the goal of a CV is to present a full history
of your academic credentials; a traditional resume presents a brief snapshot of
your skills and experience that communicates your ability to perform the job
you are applying to.
- CVs are usually much longer than
a traditional resume; there usually is no maximum number of pages for a CV.
- Research experience and interests
are highlighted on a CV in order to represent your scholarly potential;
teaching experience (such as experience as a Teaching Assistant) is also something
that can be highlighted if you have any.
Services has a variety of resources that can help you create and edit your CV:
- Handouts:
- CV
vs. Resume…what is the difference?
- Categories
for a CV
- CV
*These, and more, can be found in our
Resource Centre or online!
- Other Print Resources:
- How
to Prepare Your Curriculum Vitae (book)
- Services:
- Free,
drop-in review sessions during
office hours with a trained Career Assistant (hard copy required)
2) Letters
of Intent & Personal Statements – These letters may be required as a
component of your grad school application. Both types of letters demonstrate an
example of your writing skills so make sure to have your letter edited as many
times as you can to make sure it is perfect!
To be clear
about how to write the letter, you
first must know what type of letter
they require. This information should be clearly outlined in the application
requirements section of the program
Letter of Intent – Most common
for graduate or professional schools.
- Focus: Your research interests, reasons for
choosing the department/program and your post-degree plans
- Format: Proper business letter format; no
longer than 2 pages unless otherwise stated
- Language: Formal, professional, and
tailored to the audience
- Personal Statement – Usually required
with an application for an academic research program.
- Focus: How your experiences (volunteer,
work and personal background/characteristics) have contributed to your interest
in and knowledge of the profession
- Format: Essay format, double-space
(typically); candidates may be asked to respond to broad or specific questions
within the letter; page limit may be outlined in application package
- Language: Formal, professional, and
tailored to the audience; may be more personal than the letter of intent
*General Tips
for Writing:
- Research: Review the program’s
website and contact the department for specific guidelines; read the Dean’s
message, the policy on admission, etc.; ensure that you provide relevant
information that matched each requirement
- Organization: Use a thematic or
chronological patter of organization; consider the idea or theme – your experiences
should support the theme; use effective transitions to ensure your ideas flow;
avoid unnecessary repetition
- Content: The introduction and
conclusion are very important – consider writing these after you have completed the rest of your letter/statement;
represent yourself honestly and answer all questions; avoid controversial
issues; pay special attention to word/page limitations and font size
requirements; keep copies of your submitted application (noting when and where
each was sent)
*For more Tips, drop by the Resource Centre or check out our Online Resource Centre for online
versions of all of our handouts!
3) Academic
transcripts – These must be ordered from academic institutions you have
attended and are official documents of that institution. They usually must
arrive to the school you are applying to in a sealed and stamped envelope (done
by your current institution). More about how to get these can be found on the
application requirements website and on your current school’s registrar’s
office website.
4) Letters
of References – These are letters written by other people that can speak to
your academic (usually) and/or professional competencies. Typically, graduate
programs require all academic references (i.e. a professor that taught you) but
in some cases, professional (someone you have worked for) or character (someone
who can speak to the kind of person you are) references may be accepted. Again,
consult the program application requirements for how to submit letters of references (some require them in a sealed
and stamped envelope, some require them to be submitted online by the person
writing the reference, and some require them to be submitted by you with your
application package).
for Arranging References:
- Make friends with your professor –
this doesn’t mean you need to be on a first name basis with them or see them outside
of class…what it does mean is that
you need to get yourself noticed by the professor so that when you request a
letter of reference, they know who you are and what kind of student you are. Your reference choices should be those professors you feel know you and your academic work/abilities the best!
- Ask early – Professors have busy
lives and requesting a letter of reference a week before your application
deadline just isn’t going to fly. They need time to write the letter and may
also need time to review some of your previous academic work so that they can
write about your abilities. Giving them such a short timespan to complete your
reference also shows a lack of organization and a lack of respect for their
time. Start contacting professors at least a couple of months before the
deadline to give them ample time to write the letter, as well as give you time
to contact your “back-up” references if your first choices decline.
- Have back-ups! – professors may
not have time to write a reference letter for every student that asks, they may
not know you well enough to feel comfortable doing it, or they may just say no
for various reasons. Having a couple back-up options for a reference is crucial
in case this happens so that you aren’t scrambling to get to know your
professor half way through the term!
Our friends at cosmiccoachingcentre wrote a great article about this topic that I think complements this post well:
Grad school Application Materials
For those who are seriously considering
applying for graduate school, it would be very helpful to find a source of
information about entering a graduate school, particularly in terms of the
requirements. As an interested applicant, you are encouraged to check out the
website of the specific department you wish to apply to. There you will see all
the detailed information regarding the process of enrolling in a graduate
program. Generally speaking, though, the following are the materials that you
need to prepare:
Personal Statement
Graduate school applicants are required to
send a personal statement expressing their interest in enrolling in a
particular graduate program. You may find that certain programs would also
require you to use your personal statement to provide answers to specific
Applicants are encouraged to submit a
scanned copy of their transcript when they submit their application because
this can help speed up the process. Those applicants who have earned their
degree from international schools must include their transcripts with English
translations. These documents should then be forwarded to the Graduate School
admission office. As for college seniors, they are required to send their current
transcripts, with the official transcript to be sent at a later time.
Letters of Recommendation
It is common for graduate school programs
to require three letters of recommendations from their applicants. These
recommendations must come from individuals who are qualified to attest to the
applicant’s eligibility for graduate study. These letters should mention the
applicant’s ability to conduct research and perform in the coursework required
by the program.
Those applying to doctoral programs are required
to send to the Graduate School the results of their Graduate Record Examination
or GRE. There could be some supplementary materials and other tests that will
be required in some doctoral programs. Thus, you should take the time to visit
the GRE page of the website of the graduate program you are considering.
Graduate School applicants coming from
countries where English is not the native language must submit their official
IELTS or TOEFL score. The International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
and the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) are always a requirement
for international graduate school applicants.
The interview is of course not going to be
part of the graduate school application process, but it is worth noting that
interviews are often used by graduate school programs to have a better look at
the interested applicants. But for graduate school applicants, an interview is
also a great opportunity for them to know whether or not the programs offered
by the institution will be a good fit. Keep in mind that there’s a bigger
reason for your decision to enter a graduate school, like for career advancement perhaps. Thus, you
would want to know if the program is worth investing your time and money in.
I hope this overview of the most common graduate school application documents
has helped you begin your grad school applications (although I hope you would
have already started at least a portion of it already!). Good luck and don’t
forget to stop by the Resource Centre Monday to Friday 9am-4:30pm with your
questions, concerns, or documents for review!
Jami Coughler, Senior Career Assistant
4th Year Public Health [Honours]
BA: Sociology [Honours] ‘11