- Want the job but don't feel qualified? Apply anyways!: Consider a job posting as a company's wishlist of their perfect candidate. Just because they are asking for someone with 3-5 years of experience in that field doesn't mean anyone applying is going to have those qualifications. You may also make up for lack of experience in other aspects of your resume.
- Keep your reference list up to date: Before you lose complete contact with your previous employer ask them if you can use them as a reference for your next job. Other options for references can include teachers, professors, and volunteer coordinators.
- Check job posting sites daily: Don't slack! Make a point to check a number of job posting sites on a daily basis. Jobs come and go at an extremely fast rate so you want to make sure you catch them before someone else does!
- Get your resume and cover letter checked at Career Services: We are a drop-in service open 9-4:30 from Monday to Friday. Feel free to bring in a printed copy of your resume and cover letter and we will give you suggestions for improving your document.

- Ashley, Sr. Career Assistant
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