Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tough Interview Questions: Your Weaknesses

It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Employers are hiring and some are firing
And now is your chance
To show em' your skills, and be the best 

That's right- its interview season. Employers are hiring for summer positions, preparing for the fall, and maybe (if lucky) you may also have an interview for a full-time position. No matter what your interview is for, one the most common questions regards your weaknesses.

How to approach this tough questions? First be honest and only give one weakness unless asked otherwise. You want to let the employer know you are being honest, sharing something that needs improvement and a skill or behaviour that you can work on throughout your time with the company/organization

When mentioning the weakness, also mention how it can be turned positive. Although you want to be honest with your weakness, I would encourage you to share how you plan to turn it into a positive and something that can then further enhance the job.

Lastly stay away from "I work too hard" or "I like things a certain way"...because, lets be honest, everyone could work harder. When the employer hears that, they don't think of it as a weakness, but rather a poor excuse for not acknowledging your 'flaws'.

This is your opportunity to discuss places of weakness, but also how you are open to growth and learning opportunities. Its your opportunity to be honest, to show them you are not a perfect human being, but rather doing everything possible to become one.

As philosopher Jean Vanier once said "Growth begins when we begin to accept our own weakness". May you accept yours and freely start to bloom

All the best

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