Attention Badgers! With the start of the fall semester, we would like to welcome aboard our 2023-2024 Career Navigators! We are excited to have you all on our team, and with your experience, skills, and talents, we look forward to sharing many successes.
I'm Jessica the Lead Career Navigator for this year. I'm in my fourth year of the Ancient Art and Archaeology Program with a Minor in Business and Management as well as the co-curricular program Law Plus. I like reading and watching TV shows. I also enjoy cooking.
Senior Career Navigator
Hello there! My name is Chelsa Sunil. I am currently in my fourth-year studies in the Medical Sciences program at Brock. My favorite courses from the ones I have taken so far are Zoology (BIOL 2P92), Human Physiology (BIOL 2P97) and Human Anatomy (HLSC 2P95). I really enjoy learning about the human body and the different biological processes that take place to keep us alive. I aspire to become a nurse who works closely with physicians. My goal by choosing this profession is to play a prime role in the healthcare system and improve the quality of life for the children of the future generation as well as the senior citizens. I enjoy playing badminton and hiking with friends in my free time.
Senior Career Navigator
Hello, my name is Akanksha Guleria. I am in my 4th year of Medical Sciences & Med Plus, with a minor in French Studies. In the future, I aspire to become a physician in a hospital setting. I’m particularly passionate about working with children (pediatrics) and exploring fields like cancer (oncology) and surgery, although I haven’t yet made a final decision.
A little fun fact about me is that I used to be a competitive gymnast. Even now, beyond academics, I enjoy going to the gym and unwinding with some music!
Senior Career Navigator
Hello, I am Mishrka Bucha. I am in my 3rd year of psychology with a minor in French studies. I am really passionate about reading and watching thrillers. I am also a big swiftie and I don’t know about you, but I love jamming to her music and Bollywood music. I really want to go further into research once I graduate.
A fun fact about me is that I used to do Indian Classical dance; Kathak.
Senior Career Navigator
Hello! My name is Tiffany Muhindi, I am an international student from Kenya currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Political Science. My career aspirations are still being explored but I have narrowed it down to Insurance and/or Non-profit organizations. Outside of school and work, I really enjoy everything hair, music, fragrances and aromatherapy, and l have recently developed an interest in fencing. I am a big extrovert so do not be afraid to stop me and say hello!!
Senior Career Navigator
Hello! My name is Bikram Rathaur and I am a 4th year accounting student with plans of obtaining my CPA designation. I’m also a Sr. Goodman Career Navigator and a Goodman Ambassador. A fun fact about me is I enjoy baking and listening to music!
Career Navigator
Hi, my name is Julia, I am in my second year majoring in Child and Youth Studies. Here at the career zone, I am a junior Career Navigator! I absolutely love this position and the people I work with. In the future, I aspire to be a kindergarten teacher. Beyond my education, I enjoy watching Criminal Minds, shopping, and going on late-night drives with my friends!
Career Navigator
Hello fellow badgers, I'm Ahrar Tahmid Rubab, a 3rd year BBA student concentrating in Information Systems. One word I would use to describe myself is 'ambitious.' I like to seek out opportunities and execute on the right ones. Outside work I love playing cricket, boxing and watching UFC. Drop by at the Career Zone or Goodman Gate to say Hi. I love meeting new people. See you there
Career Navigator
I’m Jenna Meier and I’m in my second year of Sociology! I am a Junior Career Navigator at the Careerzone! A fun fact about me is I love to play the electric guitar :)
Career Navigator
Hello, my name is Clement! I'm a 3rd year Brock University student in Business Communication. I'm looking to focus my career on Media and Digital Marketing, and a fun fact about me is, I love the show "Avatar: The Last Airbender".