Monday, October 2, 2023

Welcome Aboard

Attention Badgers! With the start of the fall semester, we would like to welcome aboard our 2023-2024 Career Navigators! We are excited to have you all on our team, and with your experience, skills, and talents, we look forward to sharing many successes. 

A person wearing glasses and a white cardigan

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Lead Career Navigator  


I'm Jessica the Lead Career Navigator for this year. I'm in my fourth year of the Ancient Art and Archaeology Program with a Minor in Business and Management as well as the co-curricular program Law Plus. I like reading and watching TV shows. I also enjoy cooking. 


A person with long hair wearing a red shirt

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Senior Career Navigator 

Hello there! My name is Chelsa Sunil. I am currently in my fourth-year studies in the Medical Sciences program at Brock. My favorite courses from the ones I have taken so far are Zoology (BIOL 2P92),  Human Physiology (BIOL 2P97) and Human Anatomy (HLSC 2P95). I really enjoy learning about the human body and the different biological processes that take place to keep us alive.  I aspire to become a nurse who works closely with physicians. My goal by choosing this profession is to play a prime role in the healthcare system and improve the quality of life for the children of the future generation as well as the senior citizens. I enjoy playing badminton and hiking with friends in my free time.  


Senior Career Navigator 


Hello, my name is Akanksha Guleria. I am in my 4th year of Medical Sciences & Med Plus, with a minor in French Studies. In the future, I aspire to become a physician in a hospital setting. I’m particularly passionate about working with children (pediatrics) and exploring fields like cancer (oncology) and surgery, although I haven’t yet made a final decision. 

A little fun fact about me is that I used to be a competitive gymnast. Even now, beyond academics, I enjoy going to the gym and unwinding with some music! 

A person in a black shirt

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Senior Career Navigator 


Hello, I am Mishrka Bucha. I am in my 3rd year of psychology with a minor in French studies. I am really passionate about reading and watching thrillers. I am also a big swiftie and I don’t know about you, but I love jamming to her music and Bollywood music. I really want to go further into research once I graduate.  

A fun fact about me is that I used to do Indian Classical dance; Kathak.  


A person with long black braids smiling

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Senior Career Navigator 

Hello! My name is Tiffany Muhindi, I am an international student from Kenya currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts with a major in Political Science. My career aspirations are still being explored butI havenarroweditdown to Insurance and/or Non-profit organizations. Outside of school and work, Ireally enjoy everythinghair, music, fragrances and aromatherapy,andl have recently developed an interest in fencing.I am a big extrovert so do not be afraid to stop me and say hello!! 

A person in a suit smiling

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Senior Career Navigator 


Hello! My name is Bikram Rathaur and I am a 4th year accounting student with plans of obtaining my CPA designation. I’m also a Sr. Goodman Career Navigator and a Goodman Ambassador. A fun fact about me is I enjoy baking and listening to music! 


A person smiling at camera

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Career Navigator 


Hi, my name is Julia, I am in my second year majoring in Child and Youth Studies. Here at the career zone, I am a junior Career Navigator! I absolutely love this position and the people I work with. In the future, I aspire to be a kindergarten teacher. Beyond my education, I enjoy watching Criminal Minds, shopping, and going on late-night drives with my friends!  


A person with his arms crossed

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Career Navigator 


Hello fellow badgers, I'm Ahrar Tahmid Rubab, a 3rd year BBA student concentrating in Information Systems. One word I would use to describe myself is 'ambitious.' I like to seek out opportunities and execute on the right ones.Outside work I love playing cricket, boxing and watching UFC. Drop by at the Career Zone or Goodman Gate to say Hi. I love meeting new people. See you there 

A person with curly red hair wearing glasses

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Career Navigator 


I’m Jenna Meier and I’m in my second year of Sociology! I am a Junior Career Navigator at the Careerzone! A fun fact about me is I love to play the electric guitar :) 


A person in a black shirt

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Career Navigator 


Hello, my name is Clement! I'm a 3rd year Brock University student in Business Communication. I'm looking to focus my career on Media and Digital Marketing, and a fun fact about me is, I love the show "Avatar: The Last Airbender".