Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Amplify your Experience at Brock

Welcome to week three of Canada Career Month Badgers!! 

Brock is famous for leading in experiential learning, and because of this there are many opportunities for students to engage in quality experiential learning opportunities. The Co-op, Career and Experiential Education (CCEE) department is very innovative and has been able to support thousands of students looking to build their skills and experience.  

When I first started at Brock, it was quite difficult to experience anything that the school had to offer as it was the peak of COVID-19. As an international student this is my first year on campus and my first time in the country. There is a lot to explore and learn. I had no idea where to find clubs, volunteer experiences, jobs and I missed a lot of these opportunities because of my lack of knowledge. So, I hope by the end of this blog you will be able to pick something that will bring you closer to amplifying your experience at Brock. 

Where to find the experiences? 

Brock has an entire website dedicated to experiences at the school. To find out what these experiences are, all you need to do is search up “Experience BU” and then log in with your student ID and explore the various opportunities available to you. To find out about volunteer and job experiences, check out the CareerZone portal at  Again, log in with your student credentials and navigate the platform.  

Why is it important? 

  • Application of learning: Experience teaches you about how to apply theory into practice and provides an opportunity for you to make connects and reflect on your skills and interests. After all there is a reason why Albert Einstein said “The only source of knowledge is experience.” 
  • To stand out: The work you have done in the past and the projects you have undertaken are particular to you alone and in this world it is very beneficial.  
  • Self-Actualization: The more you experience the more you understand yourself and others and are able to navigate the world a bit better. The most valuable contribution of experience comes from the self-awareness it provides.  
  • Build your network: While a degree might increase your peer base, experience gives you access to a huge network of people who can support your career development. 

It is never too late to amplify your experience at Brock as there is something for everyone within the school. While engaging in new experiences can be uncomfortable at times, you never know until you try. I encourage you to take a manageable risk and explore the experiences that Brock has to offer!  

Connect With Us!   

We are here to support you, so don’t be afraid to ask for help! We offer many student resources on our portal ( and can be contacted via email at to answer your questions.    

Follow us on our Social Media to stay up to date on our events and workshops!   

Twitter: @BrockCareerZone   

Instagram: @brockcareerzone    

Written by Tiffany Muhindi, Career Assistant  

Edited by Kara Renaud, Manager of Career Education, CCEE Department


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