Do you know exactly where you want to work.... No? Well that’s alright. Discovering your interest is the first thing needed to unlock your potential. Make a list of all the places that are of interest in your area. This may include things that may align with your beliefs, values, your field of study or just an opportunity to take part in an adventurous or exciting experience during the summer. If you don’t know exactly the profession you are interested in, don’t fret! Explore occupations best suited to your interests, skills and values by taking a career assessment tab on our website on CareerZone at www.careerzone.brocku.ca . Assessments such as CareerCruising, TypeFocus and Talentoday are self-exploration activities that help you learn more about yourself by identifying your personality, skills, motivations and preferred work environments.
When was the last time you reviewed your resume, cover letters etc.? Days? Weeks?
Months? Or even Years? Don’t wait until a deadline is fast approaching before it forces you to revise your document. A regular review will help you catch those tiny mistakes in your documents, while making you sound more professional. Have your resume and cover letter documents reviewed at CareerZone for formatting and the development of strong statements. Doing this will make you more familiar with your own experiences and thus makes it easier to relate or develop connections to a wide variety of opportunities.
To start your job search look at various social media sites to find potential employers, connect with other professionals, which can aid in finding potential hidden job markets. Can’t find the job you are looking for? No worries! Consider similar work settings that may use a similar skill set in your field of interest. Stay positive, focused and persistent throughout the job process as it can take time. Sometimes it may be hard to find a job in your field, but consider volunteering throughout the summer to gain more experience!
Helpful Links [On Campus]
- Most positions are posted between late December to mid-March with concentration in January and February.
- CareerZone website [http://careerzone.brocku.ca/]
- Brock’s Workday [https://brocku.ca/workday/] · B.U.S.U [https://www.brockbusu.ca/involvement/opportunities/jobs/]
- Recreation Jobs [https://brocku.ca/recreation/student-jobs/]
- Brock Human Resources [https://brocku.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/brocku_careers]
- Student Life Community Experience [https://brocku.ca/student-life/main/join-our-team/] ·

- Some positions are posted on the CareerZone website or on the company’s website. · Health Care Jobs in Canada [www.healthcarejobs.ca].
- Look at Federal, Provincial and Municipal government opportunities within your community. · Interest in summer camps: http://www.campresource.com/
- CERF Niagara: http://www.cerfniagara.com/en/ (Helpful Francophone Employment and Resource Center)
- Indeed.com offers lots of jobs in a large variety of fields
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