2013 is predicted to be another successful year for computer science and interactive arts an science graduates! If you are looking to grab a high paying job in the technology industry consider the following 5 career options that are showing favorable employment opportunities in the new year!
Network Engineers:
who can effectively engineer the integration of cloud computing with other new
technologies and maintain a secure transfer of data to multiple locations via
LANs or WANs will have little trouble finding work." - IT World Canada
Forecasted Salary: Between
$79,500 and $104,250 (on average)
Mobile Application

Forecasted Salary: $95,000
User Experience (UX) Designers:
so much customer interaction happens online, companies are looking for workers
who can create positive digital experiences." - Discovery News
Forecasted Salary: Between
$73,000 and $110,500
Interactive Creative Directors:
companies of all sizes add interactive roles, they seek professionals with
superb leadership skills and digital expertise to manage these growing
teams". - Geek Wire
Forecasted Salary: $95,500
to $160,000 (for 1-5 years of experience)
Search Engine Optimizations/Search Engine Marketing Specialists:
individuals are responsible for formalising search SEO and SEM strategies and
tactics. Other duties include analysing website traffic, as well as developing
website assessments and recommendations." - IT World Canada
Forecasted Salary: Between
$75,000 and $95,000 (for 3+ years of experience)
We have a number of books available in the centre for students interested in brainstorming career options in the technology field. Feel free to stop by and take a look!
Our holiday hours are Monday to Friday 9:00 - 4:00 until December 21.
Good luck on your exams/final assignments!
- Ashley :)
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