Baron covers topics such as digitizing your art, writing your biography (keep it short and sweet!), portfolio reels, and the risk associated with posting your work online. With plenty of eye-catching images and creative page layouts, this portfolio guide is easy to navigate and offers information for both tech savvy individuals and fearful technophobes.
Complete with examples of real digital portfolio's at the end of each chapter, 'Designing a Digital Portfolio' is an excellent resource for both beginners and experts of the digital realm. I highly suggest that students in Brock programs such as Visual Arts, Interactive Arts and Science, Computer Science, and Film take the time to read through the information within this book and begin organizing their own creations into an inspiring online presence.
If you are interested in reading 'Designing a Digital Portfolio' by Cynthia L. Baron, feel free to visit Career Services at Brock University. If you are looking to creating a more traditional portfolio we have plenty of resources and sample portfolios that have been generously donated by Brock alumni from programs such as Classics, Recreation and Leisure, and Biomedical Sciences!
I wish you the best of luck with the creation of your portfolio! If you have any questions or would like your portfolio reviewed Career Services will be more then happy to assist you! :)
- Ashley, Summer Career Assistant
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