All through high school our parents and teachers bombarded us with questions about what type of degree we wanted to pursue once we started university. Now that we are actually in university and have chosen and experienced our current programs we are being asked a slightly more intimidating question - 'what are you planning on doing with your degree?'

It's time to stop stressing out! It's never too late to stop or alter what you're doing and begin moving in a more personally fulfilling direction. Here at Career Services, we have a number of Self-Assessment tools that you can complete at any time on our website. Self-Assessment allows you to explore questions such as who you are, what you are interested in, and what values you hold when it comes to the workplace. By learning about yourself through self-assessment it will be much easier to zone in on career and program choices that reflect who you are. I'll highlight a couple of my favourites below:
- Career Cruising: Career cruising has an in depth self-assessment tool that gives the user a list of potential career choices based on their personal interests. Each of these careers can be explored in great depth on the website, including information on which university or college programs need to be taken in order to enter this career path.
- Keirsey Temperament Sorter: This self-assessment is designed to help you learn more about your values, skills, and interests, which will help you develop and plan goals for the future.
Remember to check out our website to access our 11 different self-assessment tools that cover personality, skills, interests, and workplace values! Feel free to bring your self-assessment results in to Career Services and we will be happy to assist you in planning out your new career path!
It took changing my area of study 4 times before I discovered a program that I feel personally fulfilled in. Do not be afraid to explore. Taking these self-assessments has encouraged me to try new things and combine my personal interests with my area of study. Do not regret decisions you have made in the past. All of our personal experiences make us who we are and help us in determining what we dislike and what we enjoy!
Don't give up, your perfect career is just around the corner!
- Ashley
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